When you want that "Perfect" shot…. Amanda at...
When you want that "Perfect" shot….
Amanda at Every Candid Moment Photography can get it for you.
Every Candid Moment Photography
Have great day everyone!
Hmmm…..there's something awfully familiar about that shadow…..
Sean & Rob
Who's the fastest camera clicker this side of the...
Who's the fastest camera clicker this side of the Pecos?
Who can leap a tall building in a single bound?
That would be "Superman". Everyone knows that.
And don't forget to check out Every Candid Moment Photography, who specialize in "Special Needs", Personal, Business and Concert photography.
Every Candid Moment Photography
When you need a picture And you want it good. Who ya gonna...
When you need a picture
And you want it good.
Who ya gonna call?
"Every Candid Moment Photography!"
Okay, it's a mouthful I know. But just try it a couple of times, it'll grow on you.
Give me a break, it's early in the morning.
Every Candid Moment Photography
Ahhhh…..Good times. Good times. Have a great day...
Ahhhh…..Good times. Good times.
Have a great day people!
If you have a child who may be a little difficult to deal with when it comes to photos or an event or a special occasion you should check out
Every Candid Moment Photography
They can offer you a great service.
This week we've got something special going on with our...
This week we've got something special going on with our friends at "Every Candid Moment Photography"
Click Here to take a looksie at their site
They're coming in for a "little visit"….
If you have a special child like we do with Levi, we think you might want to take a look at them.
Have a great day everyone.
Sean & Rob
Morning y'all! I want you to know something. It's...
Morning y'all! I want you to know something. It's 6:30am….we're posting today's comic….I have the day off today from the proverbial "day job"….it's 6:30am and we're posting the today's comic.
Why do we do this….cause we know that a number of you like to start off your day with a giggle….and we're completely out of our minds….
So I'm asking you all to do Rob and I a favor today. If you could really just help spread the word so we can get more FOLLOWERS to the page.
If you're reading this comic, please LIKE it.
Please REBLOG it.
Please tell your friends about it and get them to FOLLOW it and REBLOG it.
If all of you can get just one person to do this it will further the advancement of Lil' Levi's World Domination…..and isn't that what we all really want?
I know it's what I want….but then again, I'm completely out of my mind. 6:30am….motherbuthergadzooksgreatgooglimoogilyshazam….
Click Here to get Sean to stop whining like a bitch
No. Us jealous? Never…..alright, yes we are. ...
No. Us jealous? Never…..alright, yes we are. Brat.
Have a great day people and help spread the word of Levi.
click Here to get on over to Creepyhollow before Levi blows it up by accident
It's pouring right now out here in the North East. Levi...
It's pouring right now out here in the North East.
Levi is also getting wet.
Hmmmm……Coincidence?……..Maybe…..then again…..Maybe not….
Click Here so you can mock us for botching the evil laugh
Alright everybody….weekend is over, back to business. As...
Alright everybody….weekend is over, back to business.
As you can see, Levi's getting a jump on things.
Click Here to help spread the word of Levi and become a Creepyfollower of Creepyhollow
Have a great day today everyone! Sean & Rob Click Here to...
Have a great day today everyone!
Sean & Rob
Click Here to become a Creepyfollower
Lesson Learned: Never EVER ask "What's in it?"...
Lesson Learned: Never EVER ask "What's in it?" If you don't want to know….
It's Friday, have a great day today everyone and thanks for helping spread the word of Levi.
Sean & Rob
Click Here if you want a cool drink too
Ya just know that Levi would do it…..just cause….
Ya just know that Levi would do it…..just cause….
A man can tell us that there are a a billion stars in the...
A man can tell us that there are a a billion stars in the Universe and we believe him.
The sign says WET PAINT and we still need to touch it….You know you do….
Have a great day today and THANKS for help spreading the Word of Levi. World Domination is just around the corner….we can feel it!
Sean & Rob
Click Here if you want to be a part of the Lil' Levi World Domination Tour
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension...
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind….No, wait…that's not right…my bad!
If you've been following Levi then you know why Lily is like this…..if not - WHY NOT???!!
Click here so you can go back and see the previous comics and catch up with the rest of us!
Have a great day everyone!
- Sean
Wow! Lily's got one helluvah death grip! Good thing...
Wow! Lily's got one helluvah death grip!
Good thing too!
Click Here if you've ever wanted to do this
You know what they say "Never take candy from...
You know what they say "Never take candy from strangers"…
Of course we have no idea what they say about taking a tasty beverage from a pretty lady….
Help spread the word of Levi…it's kind of like the "Telephone Game" you played as a kid, but more grown up.
Click Here if you'd take a tasty beverage from Kat without even asking…cause we know we would.
So just how much does an opened can of Whoop Ass hurt? Anyone? ...
So just how much does an opened can of Whoop Ass hurt?
Anyone? Anyone?
Bueller? Bueller?
Spread the word of Levi….and THANKS for doing so!
Click here to let us know if you've got an answer
Have you ever had one of those moments where you said something...
Have you ever had one of those moments where you said something and the person you said it to goes "Oh no you di-int?!"…
…and you say to yourself "Oh crap I did."….and wish you "di-int"…
Betcha Reverend Jenkins has a lot of those moments….
Have a great day Creepyfollowers and help spread the word!
Click Here to become a Creepyfollower
We'd like to say "Thank You" for all the kind...
We'd like to say "Thank You" for all the kind words we're getting from some of you. We'd post back and reply, but we can never seem to do it right.
Yes….we're slightly not computer savvy….but we're learning.
Have a great day everyone and remember to spread the word of Levi.
Sean & Rob
If you're wondering what the hell Sean is talking about Click here - it might work
Visitors to the Waynesburry home….better put out the good...
Visitors to the Waynesburry home….better put out the good china…maybe.
Please help spread the word and have a great day!
Sean & Rob
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